Home Groups
Home Groups are a great way to feel a part of our church family. They meet on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings in homes across the borough to study the Bible, pray for each other and enjoy friendship. Each group consists of around 10 members from a whole range of ages and stages of life.
Contact Rupert Standring on rupert.standring@stpetersfulham.co.uk for more information.
Women’s Bible Study
Our Women’s Bible Study meets on Thursdays during term time from 10:00am-11:30am. It exists to support and encourage women at St Peter’s to grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus Christ as we study the Bible and pray together week by week over coffee and cake. A crèche is provided for the children in a separate room.
Contact Becky Standring on becky.standring@stpetersfulham.co.uk for more information.